The Up Thread Lift & V-RO: Essential for Those in Their 40s

The degree of facial sagging varies depending on age and physical condition.

Facial sagging in your 20s and 30s is different from that in your 40s. When you turn 40, the skin elasticity decreases, and sagging skin becomes visible. However, big surgery is not necessarily required at this stage. So, what procedure will work in this case?

Enter thread lift procedure. At She’s Plastic Surgery, we offer The Up, a thread lift procedure suitable for those who experiencing sagging skin in their 40s. The results are noticeable and highly satisfactory. 

The Up thread lift involves in creating a 0.5cm incision in the hairline above the ear, through which mesh-type threads are inserted for lifting. It pulls and lifts a broad area of the face tissues. The incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures, eliminating the need for post-surgery treatment. 

While the thread lift clearly addresses sagging skin, the V-RO procedure simultaneously improves skin elasticity and lifts facial skin. By combining ultrasound and high frequency waves, V-RO provides a more precise lifting effect than other procedures. 

Notably, it can be performed on delicate areas like those around the eyes. If you are seeking a treatment that enhances skin elasticity and lifting at the same time, V-RO is an ideal choice. 

In conclusion, for those experiencing initial signs of skin sagging, we recommend The Up thread lift and V-RO. We also strongly recommend these procedures to medical tourists who can only stay in Busan for a short period of time. 


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