Can Under-Eye Fat Return after Lower Blepharoplasty?

Lower blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure designed to address saggy skin and excess fat under the eyes. 

However, a common question that arises during patient consultations is whether the under-eye fat can sag again, necessitating an additional lower blepharoplasty.

So, can under-eye fat reappear after undergoing lower blepharoplasty?

The answer is yes, under-eye fat can potentially sag again even after a lower blepharoplasty. 

It's important to understand that our bodies age, and the eyes are among the areas that show signs of aging more quickly.

The need for additional surgery depends on the extent of sagging. When considering treatment for eye wrinkles or concerns, it's crucial to consult with a skilled plastic surgeon who specializes in precise techniques for the delicate eye area.


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