How long will the effect last after Fat grafting?


Fat grafting is an effective method of naturally filling the facial volume.

However, before undergoing Fat grafting, many people ask a lot of questions about the maintenance period. How long will the effect last after facial Fat grafting?

It is difficult to see the full effect of fat grafting with one effect. Depending on the surgery site, more than 2 sessions may be required. 

After the first session of face grafting, some fat tissue isn't fully absorbed. The fat is supplemented with the help of the second and third session, 
and the engrafted fat is maintained continuously.

However, weight loss or aging can affect the transplanted fat. This is because it is difficult to maintain only the transplanted fat while losing the overall weight.

However, there is no need to worry as the well transplanted fat will not fall off when will be maintained.

#shesplasticsurgery #busanplasticsurgery #nampo #fatgrafting #prpfatgrafting 


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