How often should I get Juve Look treatment?


Juve Look is a skin booster that is directly injected into the skin. It contains ingredients that promote collagen production. We recommend getting 3 to 5 treatments at a 3-week interval.

However, during consultations, our clients ask if a skin condition can be maintained if you don't get more than 3 to 5 Juve Look treatments. Will the skin condition be maintained after 3 to 5 treatments for a certain period of time? Do you need to take more procedures?

We recommend getting 3 to 5 sessions of Juve Look 3cc every 2 weeks. If you get 3 to 5 sessions of Juve look 6cc, you need to get it with a 3-week interval.  After the procedure, the effect is maintained for 1 year to 1 year and 6 months. After this period of time, the skin gradually returns to its original state.

After 3-5 sessions, you should receive treatments once in 2~3 months for effect maintenance purposes. It helps to maintain the skin for a long time after the procedure.

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