When to apply make-up after double eyelid surgery?

Most girls and women apply make-up to have bigger and fresh eyes. To do that, we also use different colors to emphasize some points of our eyes as well. Patients who did double eyelid surgery or blepharoptosis correction often ask when they can start applying eye make-up. 

The answer is after 2~3 weeks when the stitches are removed. One can apply make-up when the post-surgery swelling and redness subside to some extent. If you put on make-up before this period, you can cause an injury by rubbing the skin, which will negatively affect the eventual result of the surgery. When you apply make-up, that also involves removing it before sleep, so there might be an injury while removing the make-up. Therefore, it is advisable and safe to follow time for putting on the make-up. 

Another most common question is regarding when it is possible to do an eyelash extension procedure. The plastic surgeon recommends doing eyelash extension procedures one month after the stitches are removed. It is necessary to wait until eyelids recover fully and then start doing other beauty treatments. The eye lens is also recommended to put on 2~3 weeks after stitch removal.


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