Tightening enlarged pores with laser INFINI

Every time when you look in the mirror and think that your skin would look even better if only you got rid of enlarged pores? You have tried so many pore minimizing cosmetics but could not see the effect? It is about time to seriously approach the problem. Therefore, we recommend you the pore treatment with INFINI. 

What is INFINI? Infini is a type of laser that improves sagging skin, wrinkles on the face, acne scar and above all reduces the size of enlarged pores. It includes microneedling with the controlled energy which stimulates deep layers of the skin and this is the reason why INFINi laser is one of the most popular acne and pore treatment procedures among our customers. 

The thing one must keep in mind is that lasers designed to treat skin pigmentation or pores including Infini laser might be painful. However, with the help of newly introduced medical device called PANGSIS now INFINI laser along with other types of laser has become far less painful. We can see that from our regular customers who have said that they almost felt no pain while the INFINI laser procedure. So if you were afraid to do INFINI because of the pain, now there is no need to feel that way. PANGSIS will make the treatment painless. 

How to care the skin after the INFINI laser? Since the skin may become dry after this procedure, it is highly recommended to apply soothing and moisturizing cream at home. In addition to this, drinking much water will definitely accelerate the  process of skin regeneration and will help skin recover faster. 

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