She's Anti-aging procedure for August: Thread Lift

Hello? How are you doing? We are so glad to announce good news about promotion program of She's Plastic Surgery for the month of August. This time we have prepared an anti-aging program of thread lift for a reasonable price especially for our customers. Would you like to know more? 

First things first, let us start from explaining what the thread lift is. I am sure most of you are already very well familiar with this cosmetic procedure. However, it would not be bad to revisit it once again. 

Basically, thread lift is a good alternative to face lift. It is a minimally invasive procedure and best suits those who would like to achieve lifting effect without any surgical interventions. The doctor inserts the dissolvable, designed for medical purposes thread into the face and tightens the skin. As the time goes by, threads  dissolve and disappear. 

Thread lift is a far less risky procedure than other surgical procedure. It does not require any special treatment period and has an advantage of fast recovery. Many people opt for thread lift for facial area because it has the tendency to sag and lose elasticity faster than other parts of the body. However, customers also have thread into such areas as: jawline, brow line, under-eye area, forehead and cheeks as well. 

What are the side effects? As mentioned earlier, it is a less invasive procedure and after the procedure there is almost no swelling, bruise and redness. Therefore, there is no need to worry about those possible side effect. 

From now on, I would like to introduce more about the promotion program of our clinic for the month of August. 

Program 1


-THE UP THREAD LIFT ( 4 threads) +COG LIFT (4 threads) l 1. 540.000 Won -1.100.000 Won

- COG THREAD LIFT 14~16 threads l 1.650.000 Won - 1.100.000 Won 

-These procedures are designed for cheek lift and jawline.

- If you want to have forehead thread lift, extra 200.000 Won will be added. 

- How does the procedure work? 

- Duration: 1 hour

- Anesthesia: Local + sedation (topical numbing cream) 

- Recovery: no need for special treatment and recovery 

- Effect: The result lasts 1 year 6 months. 

Program 2

- V-Line Thread Lift 

- Square Botox + Jawline Thread Lift 

- Cost: 830.000 Won - 600.000 Won

 -Anesthesia: Local + sedation (topical numbing cream) 

- Recovery: no need for special treatment and recovery 

- Effect: The result lasts 1 year 6 months. 

This program best suits and designed for those who would like to have V-line. For the square Botox Botulex is used in this procedure. In this procedure MINT thread is used. MINT stands for minimally invasive thread. 

Program 3 

Thread lift by individual body parts 

Nasolabial folds l Filler + Lifting 6 l 1.100.000 Won - 800.000 Won

Shimsulbo lifting l Laser lipolysis + Lifting 6 l 1.150.000 Won - 900.000 Won

Double Chin Lifting l Laser lipolysis + Lifting 6 l 1.100.000 Won -  900.000 Won

- How does the procedure work? 

- Duration: 1 hour

- Anesthesia: Local + sedation (topical numbing cream) 

- Recovery: no need for special treatment and recovery 

- Effect: The result lasts 1 year 6 months. 

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