What are the protruding ears and how to treat them?

Let's first start by defining what the protruding ears are? Perhaps, most of you may already be familiar with the protruding ears. But despite that, I would like to introduce once again. 

What are protruding ears? 

Well, protruding ears are ears that stick out from the side of the head and are considered to be prominent to the eye. The most important thing that one should know about protruding ears is that they do not cause any damage to the ears or hearing abilities. 

What are the causes of protruding ears? 

As far as the causes of protruding ears are considered, they are mostly caused in the childhood when the antihelical fold gets underdeveloped and this is why it sticks out. 

How to treat protruding ears? 

Treatment of protruding ears involves both surgical and non-surgical methods. In terms of non-surgical method, ear molding will be a good option. This method is effective when the protruding ear is discovered in the first weeks after the birth. 

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects the protruding ears. This operation can be performed starting from the age of 5 to 6 years old. The surgeon makes an incision behind the ears and reshapes the cartilage to an antihelical fold which will then support the ears and prevent them from sticking out.

 Stitches can be removed in 1-2 weeks after the surgery and since it is not that serious surgery it can be performed on a outpatient basis so that the patient can return home on the same day of the surgery. 

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