Things you must know after "Double-eyelid" surgery

All surgeries have post-operation care and precautions that everyone should follow. Even if the surgery was perfectly performed, one should not neglect the post-surgery guidelines. Because if not following them, it will take even more time to recover and it is hard to achieve the desired result. 

Double eyelid surgery is one of the  most popular surgeries that customers have. Therefore, many people may misunderstand that because of its simplicity, this surgery does not require any special care afterwards. However, this is not true. Thus, everyone must follow the post-surgery care and guidelines after Double eyelid. 

First of all, when it comes to the treatment period, it is necessary to have treatment every other day for 5 days. After the operation, on the same day it is better to sleep on a high pillow and when washing the face, it is required to avoid the operation area. Next day after the surgery, you can wash the face as usual. For 2 days, it is required to apply ice pack (cold compression) and from the 3rd day warm compression is applied. 

After removing the stitches, for 2-3 weeks, it is recommended to avoid any physical exercises, sports activities and sauna. It is also necessary not to rub eyes, or do any actions that can harm eyes. One can apply lens and eye make-up in 2-3 weeks after stitches are removed. 

#shesplasticsurgeryclinic #shesplasticsurgerybusan #shesdoubleeyelidsurgery 


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