Face lift or Mini Face lift?

Most of our customers who come for a consultation ask this question very frequently. Therefore, in this post I am going to explain how mini face lift differs from face lift surgery. 

As you might already know from the name "Mini Face Lift", the difference is in the incision size and incision area. Mini face lift Surgery is the most effective surgery to remove wrinkles and saggy skin around the corners of the mouth,  saggy jawline, nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the cheeks.  Since it is a mini surgery, the surgeon makes a smaller incision in comparison with Face lift Surgery where entire facial wrinkles will be removed.  About 4-5 cm incision is made at the back of the ears and saggy skin is removed and the wrinkles are improved by being tightened. 

What is good about Mini Face Lift Surgery? 
Good thing is that there is little swelling and scar after the surgery as well as fast recovery process. 

Both Face lift and Mini Face Lift surgeries are the most favorite among the customers because along with removing the saggy skin, facial expression muscles are tightened together at the same time which makes the result of the surgery last even longer. 

So when making a decision whether you need face lift surgery or mini face lift, pay a close attention to your skin condition and also take into the consideration the main features of mini face lift surgery such as fast recovery, little swelling and few scars, 

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